How to install a valve correctly
Every kind of valve has its own function, they also have different Installation Method.
- Don't install Gate Valve in reverse direction. Or it will keep fluids in the bonnet space for a long time. that will corrod shaft, and it's forbidded by some of technologies. besides, it's not convinient to repalce packing.
- Rising stem gate valve is not installed underground. that will corrod stem because of moisture. Non-rising valve suitable for the environment of ship-building, pipe ditch and other small space and contains lots of dust.
- For globe valve, throttle valve, pressure reducing valve, check valve, it requires direction for installation.
- Throttle valve direction installing in reverse effects service life and uses.
- Pressure reducing installing in reverse will make valve not should installed in the horizontal pipeline vertically. don't tilt in any directions.
- It's not allowed to install globe valve in reverse.
- Check valve installation in reverse may lead accident. straignt-through lift check valve should install in horizontal pipeline, vertical tye lift check valve should install in vertical direction. and make sure the fluid flows from up to down. swing lift valve normally installed in the horizontal pipeline. it should pay more attention to flow direction when installing check valve. Ensure the direction as same as the arrow on the body, if not, it will cut off the flow.
In conclusion, it must install the valve according to the instruction. and make it as per the regulation, also make sure it suitable for the working environment.